Please read these instructions carefully.

  • Enrolment period for summer courses has ended!
  • Enrolment speed is not essential, because the participants will be drawn among those who enrol.
  • The courses are intended for students from the universities included in the KiVANET network. The number of spots available is determined based on the number of network courses offered by each university.
  • Please check if the language course is suitable for your own degree, if needed.
  • If needed, you can find more information about accessibility, web-based language learning, skill target levels of courses, and transferring of course credits.
  • You will be notified by email during week 16 if you get a place on the course this summer. 
  • Courses this autumn take place during weeks 18 and 33 according to the course descriptions.
  • The course timings might change due to technical reasons. Some courses might be cancelled or postponed if absolutely necessary. 
  • For more information, please contact kivanet(at) 

You can find courses and enrol here: Course selection (Kurssitarjonta).

The courses listed are offered in summer 2024. The courses for summer are taught in Finnish.

In general, if the course description is in English, the course is also suitable for non-Finnish speakers.